
CLASS: Dr. Liz Mediumship

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(In-person Class)

111 Church Hill Rd. Suite 2 Sandy Hook, CT


This is a four-week, in-person level 1 course on Mediumship,
hosted by Dr. Elizabeth Raver PhD (aka Dr. Liz) This class is ideal for beginners & intermediate students. It is a continuation of course unit B which was offered last winter. It is NOT required that you have taken unit A to attend this course.
We will continue to increase our understanding of mediumship via discussion, and practice unfolding our own abilities with hands-on activities:
• Class 1: How Natural Law Attracts Appropriate Spirits.
Practice: Flower readings.
• Class 2: Mediumship Examples Throughout Time and Cultures.
Practice: Short meditation to connect with guides/loved ones for
group messages.
• Class 3: What is Mental Mediumship?
Practice: Deliver messages from loved ones/guides to the group
using a five-step template.
• Class 4: What is Physical Mediumship?
Practice: Reinforce/build on last week’s exercise.
Class Begins Thursday May 18th, 7-8:30pm!
Followed by May 25th, June 1st, and June 8th

Elizabeth Raver DeCesare, PhD, Medium

“Dr. Liz” is an Evidential Medium, Energy Worker, Clairvoyant and Light Trance Worker.

Qualifications: Certified Intuitive Spiritual Life Coach; Certified Reiki Practitioner; Medium Practitioner for almost twenty years; Studied Meditation at the Hindu Cultural Center, Camp Chesterfield, and Rishikesh, India; Member Parapsychology Association; Demonstrates Mediumship to University Students; Participant in Yale’s Research on mediumship via the Belief Lab and Yale Cope Project.

Dr. Liz is especially interested in merging Spirituality and Science as we enter the Aquarian age. She is writing a book on mediumship by combining scientific findings, spiritualism, and her own personal experiences.

CLASS: Dr. Liz Mediumship