Jill besom oct 19 2024

Celebrate October with us as we create our own one-of-a-kind

mini Besoms! Besoms are ceremonial brooms, traditionally

used to clean space of unwanted energy. As you create your

Besom, you can imbue it with whichever intention you

desire to manifest in your space!

Jill will be providing an abundance of materials for students

to work with; beautiful dried florals, ribbon, and crystals!

Our Besoms will be designed with hangers in the back, so they

can be displayed on the wall at home!

View our full calendar of upcoming events and classes HERE

Walk-ins are welcome for individual readings, but we recommend booking to guarantee a slot.

111 Church Hill Rd Suite #2. Sandy Hook, CT 06482
Call or text to book: 203-204-6263